A Course in Miracles is a spiritual and psychological text that combines profound teachings with far-reaching insights into human behavior. Its three-volume set, first published in 1976, has sold millions of copies without any advertising to people from every walk of life and religion. Identified by the New York Times in 2019 as "an esoteric bible that has gone mainstream," it is one of the most widely read texts among the growing numbers of Americans who identify themselves as spiritual but not religious. It's also a central influence on the New Age movement and has been used by well-known spiritual teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer and Gabrielle Bernstein.
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a self-study spiritual thought system with a curriculum consisting of the 650-page Text, which lays out its philosophical foundations; the Workbook for Students, which prescribes a daily transformative practice; and the 90-page Manual for Teachers, which adds depth to the lessons in the other two books. While ACIM uses Christian terminology and references, it doesn't promote any particular religion or faith and evokes universal spiritual themes, including Eastern metaphysics.
The goal of A course in miracles is to undo the illusion of separation in all its forms. Its most essential principle is forgiveness, which the text describes as a process of removing blocks to love and returning to one's natural state of happiness. It teaches that everyone has a divine right to choose happiness over suffering, and that forgiveness is the way to that happiness.
Authorized by Jesus, the Course focuses on healing, both physical and emotional, in the wake of an attunement to God's love. In the view of ACIM, the world we see reflects illusions, and all suffering is the result of the mind's fixation on the false images it creates to avoid facing reality. The true nature of the world is one of love, unity and abundance, and it's possible for anyone to experience that world as their reality if they're willing to change their beliefs and attitudes.
While the Course doesn't claim to be superior to any other path, it does assert that serious study of it will help people progress faster than the study of any other subject. Its unique feature is its relentless emphasis on forgiveness as a moment-by-moment practice that shifts attitudes and behaviors.
PATRICK MILLER is a writer who specializes in spirituality and human potential, and has studied A Course in Miracles, the Enneagram system of personality, Jungian depth psychology and shamanism. He's written extensively on these subjects for Yoga Journal, The Sun and Elephant Journal online and has a dozen print and e-book titles to his credit. His work is influenced by his own intensive spiritual practices and a seven-year illness that initiated his own transformational journey. He lives in Boulder, CO. His website is www.PatrickMillerOnline.com. He welcomes comments on this and other articles in this series. This feature may be excerpted and reposted with attribution and a link to this article provided.
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